Thursday, April 24, 2008

Becstarr : Sleeping in Spanish

After last night's late game finish, slept in this morning and got to work late, but feeling great! The game has reminded me how great the Gladiator soundtrack is.

Still working hard at Spanish. This morning learnt that a toilet is called "el inodoro"... which is actually quite funny.


shoshe said...

I don't know Cuban Spanish, but that might mean the device itself, not the room...

Unknown said...

Yeah, that was my impression too (it was on a page listing things in the bathroom - la ducha, el agua caliente, etc).

I think el baño or los servicios are "polite" names to use when asking where they are. :)

shoshe said...

I think el bano (I don't have a tilda) is more North and South American, and los servicios is more Castillian.

falsedan said...

alt+0241 => ñ

I got called a nerd at work for knowing the alt code for é off the top of my head

it's 0233 FYI