Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ben - Holidays!

Well prac's over. I meant to party all night last night, but it seems going to bed at ten and waking up at six is going to take some getting over. Anyway, I learned a lot and have my best report yet.

Last lot of anecdotes:

Me: Oh, that's great! Your handwriting is so much better than last time. But how do we start a sentence?
Student: Um... um...
Me: Starts with a "c".
Student: Um... actually... venomous snakes are really bad.
Me: ...They certainly are, and start your sentence with a capital letter.

Student: I'm tired today because mum bought a new computer.
Me: Oh, were you up late playing it?
Student: No! I teached mum how to use it.
Me: How old are you?
Student: (proudly) Six.

Me: Okay, D----- here's your journal. Which of your relatives' motor accidents will you be writing about today?
Student: Well, my cousin fractured his wrist on a motorbike, but I'm going to write about how my uncle cut his forehead on his car's steering wheel.
Me: Good. Remember, I want to see at least three sentences.


falsedan said...

Which of your relatives' motor accidents will you be writing about today?

oh dear… Ben, I didn't know your prac was in the country!

A Sydney Foodie said...

I hope the "venomous snake" child didn't die of an actual snake bite!

Ben said...

No, but on another occasion he did say that he'd once swallowed a redback spider, which had bitten him on the heart, and so he'd had to step on it.