Friday, August 22, 2008

Becstarr : Selection panel

I sat on a job selection panel for the first time this week: 7 interviews over 3 days, two by phone. It's been a very interesting process and I feel the need to sit down and re-write the interview questions - which we sweated over! - to take in what I learned in this round. The question most often misinterpreted? The one about how one has handled conflict in the workplace. I thought that was a fairly standard question, but it seemed to somewhat throw quite a number of people...

The things I'll take to my next job interview?
* State general principles, but then give specific examples of your past experiences.
* Probe first, to make sure you're answering the right question.

1 comment:

YL said...

cool bananas! you'll have wisdom to share with us interview-ees!