Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Becstarr : Smidgeon the pigeon

On Saturday I rescued a homing pigeon who had become demagnetised and was sitting on a roundabout ignoring the cars about to run him down. From his legbands it seems he was from WA (or SA according to Euge - it was an 08 number). Fed, watered and rested, he has since resumed his journey, but it was fun to have a pet for a few hours. I wonder if WIRES needs people in the middle of the city?


Jaime said...

My dads a member of WIRES, we've had a tonne of "pets" over the years which I would say at least 70-80% surviving. If you want I can give you his details and you can ask about being a WIRES carer.

Unknown said...

That would be cool! Thanks J!