Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ben - 10, 000

The assignment that I'm doing just passed the 10000 word count, and I still have a section and a half to do.

Join the teachers, they said. See the world, they said...

Also, my fridge broke down last week. For a few days I was eating like a king as I chowed my way through everything in the freezer before it went off. But since then I've been living on food made from supplies from my cupboard. It's surprising how quickly you tire of lentils, polenta, plain spaghetti and pea soup without any bacon.

If only I had a cask of fruity lexia and a bad haircut, I'd be a true student cliche.


Unknown said...

Interested in our old fridge? Not sure how you'd get it to Newcastle though...

Ben said...

Thanks, but I have a guy coming around on Friday to fix it