Monday, February 15, 2010

Jen - Year of the Tiger

Happy Chinese New Year everyone. The weekend was spent, first cleaning then eating (big family dinner on Saturday night), then relaxing, with a spot of sorting and shopping on Sunday.

Also, I can't believe that I didn't write about Atticus. The last week of January was a big one for us. He had a hair cut! And turned 5! And started Kindergarten! All in one week (or thereabouts).

And he's doing great, by the way. Settling in, starting to actually join in and listen to his teacher. He's off the Epilim now too. We think that's probably helped a lot with his behaviour. Yay!

Also... Dante is finally in his permanent class for the year (Week 4 already and they're still stuffing around... but at least he's not in a class of 42 anymore. Back to a reasonable 31). Now he's been moved to a 4/5 class. Not with last year's teacher anymore but hopefully one that's just as good, and back with his good friend Will (who's in Yr 5 this year). He's already got his first homework sheet and excited about learning.

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