Monday, July 21, 2008

Becstarr : Hopping kerbs

Feeling very triumphant about organising the very successful family picnic we had on Sunday to celebrate my brother's birthday (Tim, half of the twins).

There was a picnic with free-range bbq chicken and lime & coconut macaroons, then a walk along the Bay Run and coffee at Cafe Bones. We had fun watching the dogs, and I got to try out Tim's Rather Expensive superbike, getting some coaching on how to bunny-hop kerbs. I have a bit of training to go, I think...

1 comment:

YL said...

I have spent a lot of time at the park where Cafe Bones is *laughing* All the sight of those dogs used to amaze me ... well still do.

The sight of Bec hopping kerbs? Wootah! *grin* Photos!